[Event "Turning Torso Chess Event 2021"] [Site "Malmoe"] [Date "2021.08.21"] [Round "1.1"] [White "Brynell, Stellan"] [Black "Hellers, Ferdinand"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B22"] [WhiteElo "2422"] [BlackElo "2592"] [Annotator "TA"] [PlyCount "98"] [EventDate "2021.08.20"] [EventType "tourn"] [EventCountry "SWE"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 15,98,0,2,0,0,0,0,-9,11,0,0,0,0,-22,-26,-18,-1,-39,-27,-25,-26,-59,-59, -81,-62,-70,-68,-77,-72,-75,-79,-100,-93,-130,-132,-123,-125,-143,-150,-153, -151,-166,-149,-131,-121,-156,-139,-182,-172,-200,-79,-75,-72,-83,-77,-86,-87, -132,-105,-153,-129,-89,-26,-115,-122,-88,-24,-20,-20,-29,-8,-47,0,-34,-15,-17, -12,-30,-8,-24,0,0,0,-1,0]} 1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. cxd4 d6 7. Bc4 dxe5 8. dxe5 Ndb4 9. Qxd8+ {B22: Sicilian: 2 c3.} Nxd8 10. Na3 Be6 11. O-O Rc8 {[#]} 12. Bb5+ $146 ({Predecessor:} 12. b3 g6 13. Nd4 Bxc4 14. Nxc4 Bg7 15. f4 f6 16. Ba3 Nbc6 17. Bb2 fxe5 18. Nxc6 Nxc6 {1/2-1/2 (51) Goodwin,B (1829)-Smith,M (2034) ICCF email 2017}) 12... Ndc6 13. Bd2 {[#] Strongly threatening Bxb4.} a6 14. Bxb4 {And now Bxc6+ would win.} axb5 15. Bd2 g6 16. Rac1 ({Don't play} 16. Nxb5 Bc4 $17) 16... Bg7 17. Nxb5 O-O 18. Bf4 Bxa2 19. Rfd1 Rfd8 20. h3 Bb3 21. Rxd8+ Rxd8 22. Nc3 h6 23. Ra1 g5 24. Bg3 Be6 25. Re1 Kh7 26. Ne4 Bd5 27. Nc5 b6 {[%cal Bb7b6,Bb6b5][%mdl 32]} 28. Na4 b5 29. Nc3 Bc4 30. Ne4 Kg6 31. Ned2 Bd5 32. Rc1 f5 (32... e6 $19 33. Rc5 h5) 33. exf6 $17 exf6 {White must now prevent ...f5.} 34. Bc7 Rd7 35. Bb6 f5 {Hoping for ...Rb7. } 36. b3 Bf6 37. g4 fxg4 38. hxg4 Nb4 (38... b4 $17 {aiming for ...Bc3.} 39. Rc5 Kg7) 39. Be3 (39. Rc5 $11) 39... Nd3 40. Rc8 h5 (40... Bb7 $17 41. Rf8 b4) 41. gxh5+ $11 Kxh5 42. Rb8 b4 43. Nd4 Kg6 44. Ne2 Be5 45. Rb6+ Rd6 46. Rb5 Bf6 47. Nc4 Bxc4 48. bxc4 Rc6 49. c5 b3 {White happily takes the draw. Weighted Error Value: White=0.17/Black=0.16} 1/2-1/2your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts