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FIDE workshop: Increase your inner strength

Som en del av “Year of the woman in chess” arrangerar FIDE en serie workshops online på temat “Increase your inner strength”. Söndagen den 26 juni håller WGM Jana Krivec, som också är doktor i psykologi, i workshopen. Hon skriver såhär:

“Are we aware of our capabilities? How high and how varied they are? Most of you probably think first of intelligence and probably have some preconceptions when you mention the word itself. But there is much more we can do that IQ tests do not measure. There is memory, concentration and attention, creativity and systematic thinking, problem solving and decision making, combined with intuition … often underrated skills. These are the things that drive our lives, that help us live functional and successful lives. And the best part is that they can be practiced and improved. I’ll try to give a brief guide on how to do that.”

Zoomlänk till föreläsningen.  Passcode: 833214

PDF med föreläsningens innehåll

26 juni, 2022 @ 15:00 17:00